I didn’t pay them to say this...

“Partnering with Chris as my executive business coach has been transformative. His personalised approach and insightful guidance have sharpened my leadership skills and strategic thinking. Chris has a remarkable ability to identify growth opportunities and provide actionable advice, helping me to achieve my professional goals with confidence. His support has been invaluable in navigating challenges and enhancing my overall effectiveness. I highly recommend Chris to any executive seeking to elevate their performance and drive success.”

— JK CEO (2nd generation family business)

I started working with Chris at a time where I was at a cross roads in my career.  Chris asks the difficult questions and has an enviable way of reframing a problem. Chris' questions are challenging and his expectations are high.  It meant that the impact I saw was almost immediate.  I even found myself signing up to a network event within two days of a session; something that was completely out of my comfort zone previously. Chris has had a tangible impact on my work life and has helped set me on a path for success where I no longer feel at a cross roads. I would highly recommend Chris. “

— LC, People & Engagement Lead

“I was daunted and intimidated by the unfamiliarity with the corporate world and indeed launching and presenting myself accordingly, underpinned with a lack of confidence. Chris helped me to dissect my thinking, reframe my perspective and recognise my worth.

I found it really impactful being lead through the exercise to recognise and identify my key values. Considering them at length, reflecting and committing them down on paper provided me with an immense sense of clarity of what area’s required development and focus.

Chris has a gentle and encouraging approach with finely-tuned soft skills which generated conversation and deep reflection within. Certain topics were difficult and uncomfortable to admit and commit out loud in conversation. I had no reservation or hesitation having honest conversations and never felt judged in any way. 

Professionally I have and continue to work on addressing the internal negative dialogue which I can now see, has previously prevented progression and performance. I now recognise the power and benefit of self-belief, worry less what people think and have learned how to believe in my worth in the context of a job interview. 

On a personal growth level, I can clearly see which elements I need to focus on committing more time to; things that bring me joy, health and happiness to lead a more balanced, productive and accomplished lifestyle. 

Dissecting professional confidence has helped me understand and overcome imposter syndrome; to recognise the credibility in my own experience, skills and achievements. This has reframed my approach, empowering me to progress and succeed with a more helpful mindset and strategy.

I would definitely recommend working with Chris to others because he helped me realign my perspective in a number of areas; this new perspective is allowing me to progress and make positive steps in the right direction to progress my confidence professionally and adjust my work life balance at the same time.”

— EC, former Detective Sergeant Counter Terrorism Investigations 

I started my coaching sessions with Chris at a flexion point in my life where I needed to find direction, consolidate what was important to me and where I wanted my career to go. Our sessions were invaluable and I learnt things about myself I don’t think I would have done otherwise. I was able to talk to Chris openly and without judgement. He initiated genuine positive change in my life and helped me learn more about the person I am and who I would like to become. I always looked forward to our sessions - they were fun! - and he helped me make time for myself, something I haven’t done in years. Chris helped me tease out the real issues I needed to work on and created a safe space for me to do so. If you’re considering coaching then look no further.”

— CG, Political Advisor (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office)